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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Chai chia pudding //

Chia puddings are all the rage, and it's not hard to tell why. Being packed with omega 3, protein and fibre, they easily fall into the category of "superfood" (alongside watercress, capsicum and kale).

There are gizillions of recipes out in the health world, but I still thought I'd share my take :)
I make it super confusing by using a chai tea in this chia pudding haha! But the flavour is really quite lovely and suuuper easy to whip up when using the tea bag as opposed to having to add all the different spices individually. And that's what we all need isnt it? A quick, easy, delicious and nutritious breaky.
The slight chai undertone marries wonderfully with the coconut and is beautiful served with raspberries :)

Chai Chia Pudding 


3 tbsp chia seed 
chai tea bag 
1 cup boiling water 
3 tbsp coconut cream
macca powder
extra vanilla
tsp ground flaxseed
raspberries and shredded coconut to serve


Pop tea bag into the hot water and let seep.
Add coconut cream, chia seeds and desired sweetener and other add ins (if wanted) into the water.
Set aside for minimum 2 hours or overnight to set, then serve with berries or desired fruit. Delish! 
So super easy and healthy :)) 
