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Sunday, 28 December 2014

Fruity tooty

So, my newest venture in my foodie career involves fruit (and lots of it) .
In fact, I'm almost doing the exact opposite of my sugar-quitting-fruit-limiting phase. I've adopted (for the most part) a "fit for life" philosophy and diet.  This consists roughly of:

Fruit until 12 
Heaps of veggies 
NOT combining a carb with a protein in a meal 

I've also been living with a self-loving and free choice mentality. I'm not restricting myself with what I eat. If I want a chocolate, I have some. If I want a mango, I eat one. If I want a carby sandwich, I make one. But for the most part, I ask myself if/how hungry I am.

Basically, I'm "mindfully eating".

I've been trialling this on and off for a few weeks and have found that I'm waaaay lighter and brighter in the morning. I don't get that bogged down feeling after a meal. My colon is loving it!
And surprisingly, my eczema is the best its been in a very long time.   

Nutritionally, this way of eating is quite sound. As a student of nutrition, I am eager trial a range of different eating patterns. This has been one of my favourites so far.

Bring on 2015!!
