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Sunday, 28 December 2014

Fruity tooty

So, my newest venture in my foodie career involves fruit (and lots of it) .
In fact, I'm almost doing the exact opposite of my sugar-quitting-fruit-limiting phase. I've adopted (for the most part) a "fit for life" philosophy and diet.  This consists roughly of:

Fruit until 12 
Heaps of veggies 
NOT combining a carb with a protein in a meal 

I've also been living with a self-loving and free choice mentality. I'm not restricting myself with what I eat. If I want a chocolate, I have some. If I want a mango, I eat one. If I want a carby sandwich, I make one. But for the most part, I ask myself if/how hungry I am.

Basically, I'm "mindfully eating".

I've been trialling this on and off for a few weeks and have found that I'm waaaay lighter and brighter in the morning. I don't get that bogged down feeling after a meal. My colon is loving it!
And surprisingly, my eczema is the best its been in a very long time.   

Nutritionally, this way of eating is quite sound. As a student of nutrition, I am eager trial a range of different eating patterns. This has been one of my favourites so far.

Bring on 2015!!


Friday, 29 August 2014

protein pancakes

They're all the rage.

But now that I have experienced for myself the wonderful deliciousness of almond pancakes I'm willing to concede that they are incredible.
I don't usually go for the regular pancake. Too sweet and carby. But these bad boys leave the tummy totally satisfied.  They are light and fluffy, yet wholly satisfying. Win win.

Protein pancakes


1/2 cup gluten free flour
1/2 cup almond meal*
pinch of salt
1 egg
1tbs rice malt syrup (or to taste)
1/2 cup almond milk


Combine dry ingredients together in bowl. Then add wet ingredients (the amount of milk depends on what type of consistency you like your pancakes).
Cook up like regular pancakes in a saucepan on medium heat.
Serves 1-2 people with bananas, butter and rice malt syrup.

*I used the leftover almond meal from my homemade almond milk. The stuff is the easiest thing in the world to whip up, and this recipe ensures the pulp is put to good use.

AAAMAZABALLS! My sister said they were the best pancakes she had ever eaten. Would be incredible with greek yogurt for extra protein and blueberries for antioxidants.

I make these up in a thermomix, whipping all the ingredients together. The result is incredibly light and fluffy pancakes. 


Monday, 18 August 2014


Reminiscing back on the days when my hair was elbow long.
(and wanting an excuse to post this pic... only just discovered it. Gaaahhh it's making me want long hair again!!)


Monday, 4 August 2014

Carob brownies??

I hadn't tasted carob before entering into this elimination diet adventure. From what I'd heard, it wasn't too crash hot on the humble taste buds. So I was pleasantly surprised when these "brownies" turned out delicious! Yeah its true.. "brownies" are not the best name for these little treats, instead a "caramelly carob cake slice thingo" would probs be a better name.


1/2 cup self-raising flour
1/2 cup cashew meal (or any type of nut meal)
1 1/2 tbs carob powder
125g butter, melted
2 eggs
250 ml rice malt syrup


Preheat oven to 175 degree Celsius.
Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
Mix in wet ingredients then pour into a brownie baking dish.
Cook for 30-40 minutes.
Take out of oven when skewer comes out dry and let cool completely.

Delish! but don't expect a brownie cause you'll be disappointed. These bits of yum lend themselves to caramel flavours of the food spectrum. The carob pairs brilliantly with the rice malt syrup to create a gorgeously mellow caramelly treat.

Pop into freezer to hasten cooling time (if your impatient like me) and only cut into squares when completely cool. They would be sublime served with cream/icecream for a dessert (if you dont think you can wait till they cool ;)


Saturday, 12 July 2014

Pearalicious loaf //

 Creating foods that are gluten free, sugar free, failsafe, nutritionally sound and palatable is not the easiest thing in the world. But! I did manage to create this loaf that even my brother enjoyed (he is the litmus test for all recipes). Although it isnt the most nutritionally dense morsel I've ever created, it is a total failsafe recreation of a lemon/walnut loaf my grandma used to make... and it turned out surprisingly great.

Failsafe pear loaf


125g butter, melted
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cups organ self-raising gluten free flour
1 cup rice malt syrup (or brown rice if not sugar free)
1 tsp salt
3 pears, pealed and diced
1/2 cup oats


Preheat oven to 160 degrees celsius and grease and line a loaf tin.
Combine melted butter and rice malt syrup in a large mixing bowl, then add eggs and milk and stir.
When they're all combined add 2 of the pears and remaining ingredients.
Pour into prepared tin and pop into oven.
After its cooked for 40 minutes, take out and top with  remaining pear and oats.
Place in the oven for a further 20 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.
Let it cool completely before serving.

Verdict: I made two batches, one with sugar and one with the rice malt syrup. The sugar one had a better texture, but they both tasted delicious! Even the notorious brothers loved them.

Tips: My oven is a little fiddly, so keep an eye out for how long yours takes to cook. Letting it cool completely before eating is essential.


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Potato and leek soup // totally failsafe

My diet is crazy at times, mostly because of the eczema that has plagued me for over four years and the numerous attempts to cure it.

At the moment I'm trialling the "failsafe elimination diet".

I've been on it for a week and its been a slight challenge (although it doesn't come close to being as hard as GAPS). Finding the incentive to make appetizing meals for myself alone has been low. But tonight I took my mothers advice and whipped up a delicious soup! Inspiration came from numerous different sources online that I adjusted to make failsafe. Thanks Google (:

Super quick and easy failsafe leek and potato soup 


1 leek, roughly chopped
4 garlic cloves
30g butter
5 potatoes, roughly chopped
1 (and a bit) litres of chicken stock
Cream (optional if you're not dairy free)


Chuck leek and garlic into thermomix and chop on speed 6 for 5 seconds.
Add butter and cook for 5 mins on speed 1 at 100*C
Pop potatoes in and again cook for 5 mins on speed 1 at 100*C
Then throw in the stock and cook for 20 mins on speed 2 100*C
When cooked, purée for 45 seconds gradually increasing speed to 8 (to avoid spillage)
Add salt to taste and serve with chives

That easy! Super satisfying on these cold winter days :) This isnt a sure and fast recipe. Play around and use what you've got.
Traditionally, leek and potato soup includes onion and cream, but with being failsafe I wasnt able to include them and happily didn't seem to notice to much.


Monday, 12 May 2014


Recently I have been learning about rest, not simply sleep or recreation, but rest.
Discovering what this looks like is kinda fun/challenging.
I'm learning to lean into God more and seek Him for my strength and joy.

It isn't always easy.

I often fail.

I find myself relying on my own strength and not allowing healthy margin in my life... equalling burn-out.
The great thing about God though is that He is always there when I come to my senses with arms open wide. I have so much to be thankful for!! He is crazy loveable.

This is a beautiful scripture:

My soul finds rest in God alone, because my confidence comes from Him. Psalm 62:5

Any other form of rest pales in comparison to the rest I find in the arms of God... something I need to remind myself almost daily!
There are numerous distractions that fight for first place in my affections tempting me to strive and become agitated.

Living from a place of pure peace and rest is a goal I want to achieve. Having heros that portray a purity of lifestyle and continually gleaning from their lives is vital. Heidi Baker is one such woman whom I admire greatly.

tips for living in rest:

1. Sleep! Yeah... its the obvious one. Without sleep we physically, emotionally and spiritually are compromised. It'd be hard to live a lifestyle of rest if you dont physically kick back.

2. "Soak" aka listen to soft music and let God love you... could be the Christian alternative to meditating. I do it almost every morning in bed (and yeah sometimes I fall asleep!) All good though.

3. MARGIN. This one is something I'm still learning lots about. My Dad has a Ph. D. in margin! He's brilliant at it. Creating space so there is no room to panic eg. leaving 20 minutes earlier than necessary for an important appointment.

4. Taking time to smell the roses and listen to Jesus. Just yes.

5. Worship. A biggy. Nothing gets me more refreshed, and inspired to stay refreshed, like worshipping the King of kings. He's simply wonderful like that :)


Friday, 11 April 2014


L O V E   T H I S:


Your vision/goals/dreams about your future totally effects the way you live your life now.

"Where there is no vision the people perish..." proverbs 29:18

Wanna live to your full potential? Then set goals, dream whopping/intense dreams and have a vision that goes way beyond what you think is possible. You will find that the way that you live presently will be altered by the dreams you possess. They will motivate you through the hurt of your present pain.

Even Jesus applied this principle.

"For the joy set before him (Jesus) he endured the cross..."  hebrews 12:2

He didn't have a party hanging up there on that tree for all our sins, yet he was empowered and pushed through the struggle of Calvary because he had a vision of what would be waiting for him on the other side: a raw, real authentic relationship with his bride, the church (aka us!).

So basically if you want to be powerful,

Vision is vital.


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

coconut goodiness // banana and raspberry muffins

I'm currently experimenting with coconut flour.
(coconuts are a not-so-secret obsession of mine)

Its heaps different from what I'm used to working with in baking because of its extreme dryness. Searching google for recipies, I havent been able to find a decent one that is gluten, dairy and sugar free. So I have finally come up with my own variation that I declare is delicious. Here it is:

banana and raspberry coconut muffins 


1/2 cups coconut four
1/2 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
6 eggs
1/4 cup rice malt syrup
100g coconut oil (or substitute with butter)
1 tsp vanilla
1 large over-ripe banana mashed
1 cup raspberries (or your berry of choice)


Preheat oven to 180C  and prepare nine/ten muffin tins with paper pattys.
Combine eggs, syrup, oil and vanilla in a bowl with a bar mixer. 
Then pop in the dry ingredients and wizz until all blended nicely. 
Add the mashed banana and berries and spoon into muffin tins.
Bake in oven for appox 30mins (my oven is a little whacky so not sure of the exact time just keep an eye on them)
Set on a wire rack to cool and them consume. 

That's it! Super simple and scrumptious.


Monday, 24 March 2014

little silver fishes

My newest obsession:


Stuffed with protein, omega-3 and vitamin D they are the ideal seafood eats. Plus! because they are small and on the lower end of the food chain, mercury is pretty much non-existent in these little fellas.

Sardines are one of the best sources of heart-healthy, mood-boosting omega-3 fats, and they’re packed with vitamin D. And because sardines are small and low on the food chain, they don’t harbor lots of toxins as bigger fish can.
These little munchkins are crazy good for you. 

But I hated them at one point.
The taste. The smell.

Growing up, Dad would eat them straight from the can although Mum has always been revolted by even the mention of the word "sardine". Mumma's distaste for them rubbed off on me and I could not understand how anybody could think of consuming them, let alone enjoying the flavour.

But I have now been converted. Researching healthy dishes, particularly those involving seafood that do not contain high percentages of mercury, sardines kept popping up again and again. Realizing that these little nuggets were packed full of nutrients, I though I may as well give them a shot... and what do you know, I didn't actually mind the taste. Ok, so maybe I didn't die from delight in the overall experience, but they weren't anywhere near as bad as I remembered. (perhaps knowing the absolute goodness they contained helped my taste buds on a little)

They are now an integral part of my diet and I eat them at least twice a week either in salads or with avo on toast.

I buy mine canned in either extra virgin olive oil or simply water. I've found that the slightly more expensive brands to be significantly nicer than the homebrands. I'm keen to buy some fresh to experiment with.

These are one of my favouritest foods at the moment, mainly because of their extreme goodiness for the body, but now I'm actually partial to the taste! I never thought I would admit that.


Sunday, 16 March 2014

It Was Never About Them Anyway.

Love hurts.

People hurt me, most of the time unintentionally, but it is hard not to put up walls to protect my heart. Loving without an agenda and forgiving knowing that they can never make it right again is painful.

People are broken. I am broken.

The challenge is difficult, in fact, it is impossible. That is why I need God's strength. He is my rock and my fortress, mender of broken hearts and restorer of shattered souls. There is no situation that is bigger than God. He will heal anything if we let him.

He asks only one thing in return.

L O V E .

Which is illustrated most beautifully by this quote.

Mother Teresa "Do It Anyway" by LADYBIRDINK

Mother Teresa.

Woman of faith, warrior of peace, weapon of love.


Monday, 10 March 2014

make it count

What are you doing?

Do Something by Zachary Smith

Time is an unrenewable resource that everyone is give the  e x a c t  same amount of every single day. Some of us use it wisely, others waste it on selfish means.

I want to live to see a better tomorrow.

That means living selflessly and dying to my flesh.

Because I want to ensure that Jesus gets what he paid for at Calvary and I want to make my life count.


Sunday, 9 March 2014

I love Jesus


He saved me from a life of toil into a life of freedom.

Breaking every shame and lie He has made me whole.

I love Jesus because He has set me free!

Oh the GLORY of your presence.
